Thursday, December 16, 2010
Waiting... Waiting... Waiting...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My Thanksgiving ABC's

Borrowing this idea from Allen Hunt's Blog, I have created my own Thanksgiving ABC List. Some are fun, some are serious, all are heartfelt. Well, maybe not the zoom.. that was pure silliness, but I couldn't come up with a better word for "Z"! Maybe next year, if I remember to continue this! Anway, here are my "Thanksgiving ABC's":
A - Audrey and Aaron, two special people who are awesome!
B - Butter Pecan Ice Cream… the BEST flavor ever!
C - Cousins – the Joneses and the Shooks, and all their extended families… I appreciate you more than you know
D - Dogs! So many have blessed my life Wimby, Punkin, Poohbear, Spencer and many more
E - Effie, my Mother in-law
F - Fletchers, our dear friends
G - Garret aka Gear-itttt! Love you honey
H - Haswell & Herman… my family heritage…
I - Internet… so awesome and a great way to stay connected
J - Julia & Jack, my parents… who I will love forever
K - Kindle… I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kindle
L - Logan aka Logie-Wan! Love you sweetie
M - Mary, Mother of God
N - Newfoundland Dogs, Cora, Sadie, Sailor, Kira, Neiko, Ben & Yelda, as well as all the Fosters who stayed with us
O - Oz, Wizard of… one of my favorite movies as a child
P - Pepsi, Diet… of which I love and drink too much of
Q - Quests…. Love them, whether on games or In real life…
R - Russell, my beloved husband
S – Sister, my sister Lilli… who is very dear to me
T - Trinity, God the Father, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
U - University of Dayton… where I work, where I began my faith journey, where I am blessed
V - Vatican, I hope to visit some day
W - Wisconsin, a special place, filled with loving and awesome memories
X - XAN, Memories and friends… many of whom I've reconnected with on Facebook
Y - Yahoo, my email… love it!
Z - Zoom! I love to zoom zoom zoom!
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010
November, a month of lists...

At the beginning of the month, we had election day. After dutifully gathering my lists of candidates and ballots, I headed to the polls and cast my vote. I find this very helpful while voting... I can pay close attention to the mechanics of voting and make sure that I vote accurately and efficiently. The key, of course is to "remember the list!"
With Halloween behind us, the focus is on the upcoming holidays. People often "skim over" Thanksgiving and focus on Christmas as though it was the big prize at the end of the journey. It's not of course. Nor is Thanksgiving. There is so much preparation in to planning a feast for the family... whether there be two or twenty+. This warrants a couple of lists, the first being a menu of sort, and then obviously, a grocery list. And once the actually cooking has commenced, another list is born... a score card of sorts... a schedule really of when to cook what. It's quite complicated, and I leave this to the pros... Russell and his Mom.
And then, of course, for me, the most important list.... a "Gratitude List" of all my blessings and things that I have to be grateful for. After all, isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about? Not parades or football games, not the "Black Friday" ads in the daily paper, but a time to give Thanks to God for our blessings. So if you're reading this, won't you join me in contemplating what to put on your Gratitude List? I will begin mine, and share on Thanksgiving. There's so much that comes to mind, with little contemplation.
And once I have this list complete, I might just start on the December lists....
God Bless you and yours,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Verteran's Day - 2010

Prayer on Veterans Day
Dear Lord Jesus Christ,those whom we honor today are examples of your words:“Greater love than this no one has: that he lay down his life for his friends.” They gave up their lives in defense of freedom for their loved ones and their country.
Teach me to appreciate the virtue of patriotism -a true and Christian love of country. Let me love my country not to follow it blindly but to make it the land of goodness that it should be. Let my patriotism be such that it will not exclude the other nations of the world but include them in a powerful love of country that has room for all others too. Amen
Friday, November 05, 2010
It's that time again....
I found the following information about Daylight Savings time from About.Com:
How Daylight Saving Time Works
During late Winter we move our clocks one hour ahead and "lose" an hour during the night and each Fall we move our clocks back one hour and "gain" an extra hour. But Daylight Saving Time (and not Daylight Savings Time with an "s") wasn't just created to confuse our schedules.
The phrase "Spring forward, Fall back" helps people remember how Daylight Saving Time affects their clocks. At 2 a.m. on the second Sunday in March, we set our clocks forward one hour ahead of Standard Time ("Spring forward," even though Spring doesn't begin until late March, several weeks after the start of Daylight Saving Time). We "Fall back" at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in November by setting our clock back one hour and thus returning to Standard Time.
The change to Daylight Saving Time ostensibly allows us to use less energy in lighting our homes by taking advantage of the longer and later daylight hours. During the eight-month period of Daylight Saving Time, the names of time in each of the time zones in the U.S. (map) change as well. Eastern Standard Time (EST) becomes Eastern Daylight Time, Central Standard Time (CST) becomes Central Daylight Time (CDT), Mountain Standard Time (MST) becomes Mountain Daylight Time (MDT), Pacific Standard Time becomes Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), and so forth.
History of Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time was instituted in the United States during World War I in order to save energy for war production by taking advantage of the later hours of daylight between April and October. During World War II the federal government again required the states to observe the time change. Between the wars and after World War II, states and communities chose whether or not to observe Daylight Saving Time. In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, which standardized the length of Daylight Saving Time.
Daylight Saving Time is four weeks longer since 2007 due to the passage of the Energy Policy Act in 2005. The Act extended Daylight Saving Time by four weeks from the second Sunday of March to the first Sunday of November, with the hope that it would save 10,000 barrels of oil each day through reduced use of power by businesses during daylight hours.
Unfortunately, it is exceedingly difficult to determine energy savings from Daylight Saving Time and based on a variety of factors, it is possible that little or no energy is saved by Daylight Saving Time.
Arizona (except some Indian Reservations), Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa have chosen not to observe Daylight Saving Time. This choice does make sense for the areas closer to the equator because the days are more consistent in length throughout the year.
So remember to set your clocks back before you go to bed on Saturday! And, while you're at it, this is a good time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors as well! Enjoy the extra hour of sleep!!! I know I will!
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Book Review: "The Five People You Meet In Heaven"

I loved it. I cried, which Rick told me I would do. The fact that I was reading the end in a laundromat surrounded by strangers wasn't even embarrassing. There I sat, with tears streaming down my face with a stupid grin on my face. And I simply did not care. I was wrapped up in the end of a wonderful story, that ended well despite the sometimes sad, tragic story. Yes, I got my happy ending,
And that is life. We have our joys and our heartbreaks. We have our happy times and devastatingly tragic times. You really can't have one with out the other.. and yes, I do subscribe to the the philosophy that the bad times help to make the good times even more wonderful... they help us to appreciate things. Society needs to appreciate things more. It's so easy to get wrapped up in feeling bad about our problems, our existence. It's so easy to wallow in self pity, so easy to be a victim.
And this is what struck me about this book. The main character was a man named Eddie. The books starts a short time before his death. As the pages turn, we travel backwards and forward in time, and between Eddie's life on Earth and his new life in heaven. This book kept my mind hopping- it never let me get bored. It kept me wanting to turn to the next page and find out what was going to happen. Eddie had is share of bad times. His childhood had it's traumas from an alcoholic father. He survived the brutality and tragedy of World War II. He fell in love and married the love of his life. He thought he was stuck working at a place he never wanted to end up in, and living in his family's old apartment for most of his life.
When he got to heaven, and learned the lessons that were waiting for him there. He learned that his life had had purpose all along. He learned all the good behind the bad. And even when learning about bad things that he had no knowledge of, there was still good that came from that.
Some of my favorite quotes from the book are:
Eddie: Does God know I am here? She answered: "yes"
"Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it.
--Eddie's Wife"
"Holding anger is a poison...It eats you from inside...We think that by hating someone we hurt them...But hatred is a curved blade...and the harm we do to others...we also do to ourselves."
This is a powerful, uplifting book. I came away from it feeling exhilarated and humbled at the same time. I highly recommend it!
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Election Day - Vote

By not voting, you are throwing your right way. You are waiving your right to complain! So get out there, and vote!
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
God Bless America!
Monday, November 01, 2010
All Souls Day

We pray for the faithful departed, those who have been baptized, but who need to be completely purified of all stain of sin before they come into full union with God in Heaven. In other words, most of us. The Church's teaching about Purgatory, the place of purification, is explained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (§1030-1032)
Here are a couple of prayers that can be said every night at bed time, or whenever you pray, for your deceased loved ones:
Heavenly Father, You sent Christ Jesus your Son to wash away the sins of all mankind through His perfect sacrifice,and you cleansed our departed brothers and sisters in the waters of baptism. May His perfect sacrifice free them from the power of death and give them eternal life. In your mercy, O Lord, grant them eternal rest, and may perpetual light shine on them forever. +
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,and let perpetual light shine upon them.May they rest in peace.
All Saint’s Day, 2010

“The church in this great festival honours all the saints reigning together in glory; first, to give thanks to God for the graces and crowns of all his elect: secondly, to excite ourselves to a fervent imitation of their virtues by considering the holy example of so many faithful servants of God of all ages, sexes, and conditions, and by contemplating the inexpressible and eternal bliss which they already enjoy, and to which we are invited: thirdly, to implore the divine mercy through this multitude of powerful intercessors: fourthly, to repair any failures or sloth in not having duly honoured God in his saints on their particular festivals, and to glorify him in the saints which are unknown to us, or for which no particular festivals are appointed. Therefore our fervour on this day ought to be such that it may be a reparation of our sloth in all the other feasts of the year; they being all comprised in this one solemn commemoration, which is an image of that eternal great feast which God himself continually celebrates in heaven with all his saints, whom we humbly join in praising his adorable goodness for all his mercies, particularly for all treasures of grace which he has most munificently heaped upon them. In this and all other festivals of the saints God is the only object of supreme worship, and the whole of that inferior veneration which is paid to the saints is directed to give sovereign honour to God alone, whose gifts their graces are: and our addresses to them are only petitions to holy fellow creatures for the assistance of their prayers to God for us. When, therefore, we honour the saints, in them and through them we honour God, and Christ, true God and true man, the Redeemer and Saviour of mankind, the King of the Saints, and the source of all their sanctity and glory.”
A prayer in praise of the saints:
How shining and splendid are your gifts, O Lord
which you give us for our eternal well-being
Your glory shines radiantly in your saints, O God
In the honour and noble victory of the martyrs.
The white-robed company follow you,
bright with their abundant faith;
They scorned the wicked words of those with this world's power.
For you they sustained fierce beatings, chains, and torments,
they were drained by cruel punishments.
They bore their holy witness to you
who were grounded deep within their hearts;
they were sustained by patience and constancy.
Endowed with your everlasting grace,
may we rejoice forever
with the martyrs in our bright fatherland.
O Christ, in your goodness,
grant to us the gracious heavenly realms of eternal life.
Unknown author, 10th century
My personal reflections:
In honor of All Saint’s Day, I thought that I would share a few Saints that I feel very close to.
St. Anthony of Padua:

In choosing a Saint for my confirmation name, I researched all sorts of wonderful Saints. I was drawn to St. Dwynwen because I feel like we have so much in common. We're both romantics.. passionate about our beliefs, and have a love for animals. It seemed fitting to take her name as my confirmation name. About St. Dwynwen (from Saints.SQPN.com):
Beautiful, pious and virtuous daughter of the 5th century Welsh king, Brychan of Brecknock. A certain Maelon fell in love with her, and wished to marry her. Though Dwynwen returned his love, her heart was set on becoming a nun, and she rejected him. She dreamt she was given a sweet drink which saved her from his attentions, but which turned the poor young man to ice. Realising that Maelon couldn’t help his love for her, she prayed that he be restored to life, that all lovers should find happiness, and that she never have the desire for marriage. Dwynwen became a nun and lived on Llanddwyn Island on the western coast of Ynys Mon (Anglesey), an area accessible only at low tide.
Her well, a fresh-water spring called Ffynnon Dwynwen, became a wishing well and place of pilgrimage, particularly for lovers because of the story above. The tradition grew that the eel in the well could foretell the future for lovers - ask questions and watch which way they turn. Women would scatter breadcrumbs on the surface, then lay her handkerchief on water’s surface; if the eel disturbed it, her lover would be faithful. All this led to her connection with animals, which eventually led to the tradition that her intercession could heal injured animals.
St. Francis of Assisi

I adore Mary Magdalene. Her devotion to Christ was amazing. She is the patron saint of many, including women and converts. Her name was my second choice of confirmation names. About St. Mary Magdalene (from Saints.SQPN.com):
We have very little solid information about Saint Mary, and both scholars and traditions differ on the interpretation of what we do know. She was a friend and follower of Jesus. Filled with sorrow over her sin, she anointed Christ, washed his feet with her hair. He exorcised seven demons from her. She was visited by the Risen Christ.
There are also arguments about her life after the Crucifixion. The Greek Church maintains that she retired to Ephesus with the Blessed Virgin Mary and lived there the rest of her life. A French tradition says that Mary, Lazarus, and some companions came to Marseilles, France, evangelized and converted the whole Provence region, and then retired to live 30 years as a penitent hermitess at La Sainte-Baume.
Oh, some things we do know for certain - Mary wasn’t Jesus’ wife or mistress, she wasn’t the mother of His child, she didn’t found a royal dynasty or separate branch of Christianity, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween 2010

When he died in October, 1983, I began the new tradition of taking a pumpkin down to the cemetery and placing it on his grave. And today, I continued the tradition. I found the perfect pumpkin, the shape that he preferred. I didn't carve it... and I drove it down to the cemetery. It was a beautiful fall day, slightly windy but not too blustery. The sun peaked out from time to time behind the clouds. I didn't mind the clouds.. I think that Halloween should be cloudy. All of this may seem a bit silly but in light of what Halloween is all about, maybe not. And I do believe that he would be pleased. Happy Halloween Daddy.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
It's been a blustery day!
What a day this has been! I've worked here at the University for over 10 years and never before have we been told to take shelter in a safe place. Tornado sirens blared around noon, and we took cover in the basement. It was an adventure and I got to know some very nice people from other floors. Thanks be to God that there was no serious damage. Other communities near by were not as lucky. Prayers for them.....
At this point I didn't feel that we could continue yanking her around. We looked at a couple of possible homes for her but in the end she stayed. She is a challenging girl.. very headstrong and smart. It's not been ideal but it's worked, and I love her dearly.
In writing this I would like to clarify the importance of Rescue. Rescue organizations for the most part do an awesome job in bringing lost and unwanted dogs back to health, in fostering and placing them. The fact that Yelda came back to us twice is no fault or reflection on rescue. It just happens. The important thing is that Yelda is safe and happy. Happy Birthday Yeldie-loo.. you are loved.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The weekend in review

The thing about my weekends of late are that they end up being centered around dining out, family/friends, church and sometimes that horrible word that I seem to avoid at all costs: chores. I guess the kid in me still strongly rebels at that word... and in my mind... chores really have no place in "fun time", which weekends should be. Shouldn't they?
Well maybe not!
I'm adult after all... it even says so on my drivers license... and in reality... chores do have a place in our lives... and they don't stop on weekends. Life just doesn't work that way. So you can grumble and make it horrible, or you can deal with them as cheerfully as possible. That seems to work the best, and in looking back also seems to (at times) create wonderful memories as well.
In typical fashion, this weekend had a schedule. I am all about "the schedule" and I can fill it rapidly and with finesse. Fridays are usually quiet. Russell works late much of the time and then we stop off and grab dinner somewhere. This week we went to a small restaurant and I had a yummy steak, salad and baked sweet potato. Russell had ribs, which always seem to be good at this place (The Barbecue Hut).
Once home, we got the dogs walked and fed and then settled in for the night. We watched our usual cooking shows on PBS... and it was a nice quiet evening. Saturday morning found us having breakfast and figuring out the rest of day. I went off to spend the day with my sister and Russell headed off to work. The plan was to meet his at his Mom's at 4 and go to Mass. Well, best laid plans even go awry. I was running late, and so I sent a text message to Russell to let him know... and was to meet them at Church.
Lilli and I had a great time together. We visited her friend, went shopping and had lunch at a new burger place.... talk about YUMMY fries. Then we went and saw our Mother.... and then I headed to church. I love going to Mass, and the readings and Gospel were exactly what I needed to hear. Funny how it seems to work out that way more often then not. After Mass, we ate at a little Greek place. Again yummy food. I told you that much of our time is centered around dining out!
As I was driving home, my mind was zig zagging all over the place, but there was one thing that became very clear. I needed to urgently do laundry. So after a stop at Walmart to pick up some things for Russell (benadryl and new boxers.. which both blew him away) I flew home and loaded the washer.
And once again we were settled in our den after a good but very hectic day. We watched a TV. Russell and the dogs dozed and I played around on Facebook. The hour grew late and Russell took Ben and went to bed. I put Kira and Yelda into bed and remembered my laundry. So I headed downstairs to put the wash into the dryer. And this is when my "master plan" went awry.
I smelled something... and it wasn't good. Something smelled hot and I was quite alarmed. There was no smoke, and nothing felt hot to the touch. I went to the washer... opened the door and discovered that it was still full of water. UH-OH, this was definitely not good. I tried to restart it, and got nothing but a weak hum. And so up the stairs I flew to wake Russell. I know I scared him and I felt bad but he needed to check this out. So back down the stairs we hurried... and he knew right away that a belt had broken. And this meant the washer was not going to work until it was fixed. CRAP, CRAP and more CRAP! Sleepy, Russell went back upstairs, and I followed, with all sorts of alternative plans for the next day zooming through my mind.
I went to bed with half formed plans. The day's schedule was pretty full... yet we had a soaking wet load of laundry to deal with. So by 8:30 we were up and at 'em. Time for chores, and team work. As I walked the dogs, I said a prayer... and this is what I really wanted to blog about. I felt tense and uneasy. And so I prayed that we have the patience and camaraderie to get through this... and my prayer was answered. After the dogs were settled, I went down to help Russell wring out the soaking wet clothes. We filled two tubs of wet clothes, and I bailed the washer while he loaded them in the car. I grabbed our detergent and a container of change that I had been saving for a rainy day. The irony of this made me grin.
And off to the laundromat we went. And truth be told.... there's something to be said for the efficiency of doing laundry this way. It goes by so fast, and it was kind of fun. We worked together as a team and got the job done. And my "master plan" schedule for Sunday remained in place, and everything worked out. We had brunch with our friends and then I went off to a concert with my cousin and a girls night out. I came home feeling like it had been a long day, but a good one. Chores had been taken care of, in the spirit of teamwork... and the result was that our spirits were happy and content as bedtime came. And of course, my prayers had been answered. Thank you God!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Rest in Peace Mrs. Cleaver and Mr. C....
Another of my favorite shows was "Happy Days". Of coruse I was in my teen years when this show was on the air. Yet family values and strong parent role models were still valued. Tom Bosley as Mr. C will rank right up there with Andy Griffith as one of America's best loved father figures. And it was with great sadness that I learned of his passing a few hours ago.
In less that a week's time, we have lost two strong parenting Icons from the world of Television. Television back then was completely different than it is today. Of course the world was a different place. It's a sad commentary that today's television contains very little of these values, and that popular culture relishes in scoffing at them.
Rest in Peace Barbara and Tom. You will be dearly missed.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Walking on walnuts.. the perils of Autumn!

You may wonder what dangers I am eluding too. So let me widen the scope a bit and let you in on the bigger picture. Anyone who knows me will realize by now that if I were to take a walk, I would most likely be accompanied by one of our Newfoundland dogs. Our walk would begin in our yard, stopping every inch or so to sniff this blade of grass or that leaf that conveniently floated down in front of us and distracted us from our course. I usually find myself speculating every fall that our dogs have suddenly come down with attention deficit disorder, because they don't seem to focus very well because there is so much going on. We've already touched on the falling leaves. Besides distracting the dogs as they fall they also cover the grass, and sometimes other things that one would rather not step in.
And then there are the walnuts. We have a very large walnut tree in our yard. It starts dropping in August, but the nuts are easily seen and avoided. However, once the leaves begin to fall, they are harder to see. This of course creates a couple of potential hazards.
The first that comes to mind are the squirrels that are drawn to the walnuts. Now while squirrels can be pests and drain our bird-feeders at a rapid rate, I personally don't have anything against them. Yet when I've got a 120+ pound dog on a leash and a squirrel ventures in the the yard... and "said dog" notices the squirrel and decides on impulse to go MEET it... I have a problem. This would be the second hazard: walking or running on walnuts is dangerous to one's well being, not to mention one's ankles.
So if you're out and about, and encounter a pathway filled with walnuts take heed! Be safe and keep alert! And try and enjoy yourself along the way!
Friday, October 01, 2010
A Christian Connection to Halloween

Some of my dearest memories are of going to "Groby's Garden Center" and picking out the perfect pumpkin. This was almost as challenging as picking out the perfect Christmas Tree. The Carving of the pumpkin was my Dad's job, but we were there to help clean out the pumpkin and separate the seeds, which we would later roast. Beggars night was always exciting... choosing our constumes, going out with our cousins and seeing friends along the way. It was pure fun! Years later, after my Father died, I began taking a small pumpkin down to the cemetery and placing it on his grave in honor of his love of Halloween.
As I began my faith journey and eventual conversion to Catholicism, it became very clear that many of my Christian Brothers and Sisters frowned on the holiday, and suggested that in celebrating Halloween, I embracing evil. Now I will not deny that that I am a sinner.... but I do not choose to embrace evil, black magic or the dark arts. I am a Christian, and my heart belongs to God, to His son Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit. So before tossing out all my Halloween decorations and traditions, I decided to do some research about the origins of Halloween and the Christian connection to Halloween. Happily, I have learned quite a bit!
From the American Catholic website, I learned:
"The true origins of Halloween lie with the ancient Celtic tribes who lived in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brittany. For the Celts, November 1 marked the beginning of a new year and the coming of winter. The night before the new year, they celebrated the festival of Samhain, Lord of the Dead. During this festival, Celts believed the souls of the dead—including ghosts, goblins and witches—returned to mingle with the living. In order to scare away the evil spirits, people would wear masks and light bonfires.
When the Romans conquered the Celts, they added their own touches to the Samhain festival, such as making centerpieces out of apples and nuts for Pomona, the Roman goddess of the orchards. The Romans also bobbed for apples and drank cider—traditions which may sound familiar to you. But where does the Christian aspect of the holiday come into play?
In 835, Pope Gregory IV moved the celebration for all the martyrs (later all saints) from May 13 to November 1. The night before became known as All Hallow’s Even or “holy evening.” Eventually the name was shortened to the current Halloween. On November 2, the Church celebrates All Souls Day.
The purpose of these feasts is to remember those who have died, whether they are officially recognized by the Church as saints or not. It is a celebration of the “communion of saints,” which reminds us that the Church is not bound by space or time.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that through the communion of saints “a perennial link of charity exists between the faithful who have already reached their heavenly home, those who are expiating their sins in purgatory and those who are still pilgrims on earth. Between them there is, too, an abundant exchange of all good things” (#1475). "
And so, in this spirit, I will continue to decorate for Halloween, to put pumpkins on my Father's grave and to hand out candy to trick or treaters, and to enjoy Autumn, and all it's riches and blessings. God Bless each and every one of you!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Britain makes room for Benedict
Britain makes room for Benedict
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I found this lovely prayer:
Hail, Infant Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou forever, and blessed are thy holy parents Joachim and Anne, of whom thou wast miraculously born. Mother of God, intercede for us. We fly to thy patronage, holy and amiable Child Mary, despise not our prayers in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, glorious and blessed Virgin.
V. Pray for us, holy Child Mary.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray: O almighty and merciful God, Who through the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, didst prepare the body and soul of the Immaculate Infant Mary that she might be the worthy Mother of Thy Son, and didst preserve her from all stain, grant that we who venerate with all our hearts her most holy childhood,
may be freed, through her merits and intercession, from all uncleanness of mind and body, and be able to imitate her perfect humility, obedience and charity.Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
There are many wonderful websites where you can read more about the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here are some links:
In addition there are many blogs devoted to this feast day. Here is a sampling of some in which I found to be particularly charming and touching:
In closing, I would like to offer the following prayer found on the "Catholic Family Vignette's Blog:
Prayer to the Holy Child Mary
Sweet Child Mary, destined to be the Mother of God and our sovereign and loving Mother, by the prodigies of grace you lavish upon us, mercifully listen to my humble supplications. In the needs which press upon me from every side and especially in my present tribulation, I place all my trust in you.
O Holy Child, by the privileges granted to you alone and by the merits which you have acquired, be merciful to me this day. Show that the source of spiritual favors and the continuous benefits which you dispense are inexhaustible, because your power with the Heart of God is unlimited. Deign through the immense profusion of graces with which the Most High has enriched you from the first moment of your Immaculate Conception, grant me, O Celestial Child, my petition, and I shall eternally praise the goodness of your Heart.
In closing, I would like to offer humble and loving tidings to Our Lady. Happy Birthday Mother Mary..... I love you.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Boy Named Troy
Thursday, June 24, 2010
"They have pretty good chicken salad"
Yet I am aware, that my "repertoire" is limited. Russell tells me this all the time. And it's pretty much the truth. Yet there is something about chicken salad. I prefer it with grapes and nuts... maybe some raisins... served with fruit. And it's cool and refreshing.
It's summer... and it's HOT! I don't want the typical fair that campus dining services offers on a daily basis. Who in their right mind wants Roast Beef Hotshots, Stuffed Shells or Chicken & Dumplings on a day when it's 85+ degrees outside and the humidity makes everyone feel heavy and saturated? UGH... definitely not me! Up until about a year or so ago, they used to have a chicken salad OR tuna salad fruit plate for lunch. It was perfect. It was light and refreshing, and fairly nutrition. And yes, the chicken salad itself was pretty good.
We were working at an event at our local dog club a couple of weeks ago. It was HOTTER than hades.... there was no air conditioning as we were outside. The provided lunch for workers... pulled pork or pulled chicken heated up in crock pots. So I casually suggested that maybe chicken salad might be a good idea. They agreed, so I went the next morning to GFS Marketplace and picked up a bucket of their Chicken salad. And yes, it was pretty good! And it was well received as well.
Subway has introduced a new sandwich... orchard chicken salad. As you can imagine, I was very enthused by this. It's OK.. .but.. hey! It's chicken salad! Way to go Subway!!! (and no, I'm in no way affiliated with Subway... I'm just saying...)
My own "home-made" chicken salad is pretty darned good too. I make it with grapes and pecans.... mayo not "miracle whip! I add a hint of curry and some poppy seed dressing and serve it with ripe cantaloupe. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself! I make "pretty good chicken salad!"
I am so proud! :) I think I'll be making some... very soon!
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Substance of Fluff....

Dictionaries define fluff as something fluffy, something inconsequential. Russell, my husband, would agree with inconsequential… as well as sugary sweet marshmellowy goo. And I have to agree with sugary and sweet, but I don’t agree so much with “inconsequential”.
In “Annie-Speak” fluff means…. Romantic fiction in books, and romantic comedies on television or at the cinema; something light, and easy… and FUN! Happy endings only, thank you very much!
Of course, there is a time for serious reading… serious learning. Yet there is also a much needed time to relax, escape and enjoy. Times to be entertained and let one’s brain relax. For this reason, fluff is vital... it’s soothing… and in that regard, it’s got substance. The substances of laughter, joy, happiness, soothing, calming… entertaining, all of which one needs from time to time!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Just A Sparrow?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Earth Day 2010 - Celebrating my appreciation of God's Creation

“Consider the birds: they do not plant seeds or harvest them, they
have neither cellar nor barn to store their wealth, yet God feeds them.” (Luke
During these same 20 minutes, I observed a bumble bee floarting around lazily and gracefully; a moth danicing its way across the yard and a myriad of birds including chickadees, robins, cardinals, wrens, woodpeckers to name a few. All of these seemed like "alot" to notice. It was 20 minutes very well spent! The Glory of God's creation surrounds us. Even in the midst of ugliness one can often find beauty. It's simply a matter of looking for it.
This is a clematis. It grew on a trellis on our garage. There were weeds surrounding it, and the trellis was in need of painting. But focusing on the blossom... taking a close look, erases all of the ugliness, and shows the beauty of the blossom. It makes me think that that is the same with human beings. Perhaps if we spent more time taking a closer look, we'd find treasure!

Frozen Frost on a tree... walking to church, freezing...but being awed by the beauty.... reminding us again that God is so good!
After the rain, I found this leaf on top of our thrash cans. The earth had been nourished, the remaining raindrops reminded me of diamonds!This prayer can be said in conjunction with the novena to St. Isidore:
O God, in Whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us rain, in due
abundance, that, being sufficiently helped with temporal, we may the more
confidently seek after eternal gifts. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
So during this week of Earth Day Celebrations, I encourage you to take some time to just "be". Take a walk, sit quietly on a bench. Look at flowers, listen to birdsong. Pray for those who can't see, hear of feel the beauty of God's creation. Reflect on the glory of God's creatoin and give praise and thanks to God. Plant a garden and feed the birds. In closing:
Prayer on Contemplating Nature
You, O God, Majestic Creator, are the origin of all life.
Nothing can exclude itself from your creative influence.
You are wonderful in your words and in your sovereignty.
Amazed, I contemplate the perfection of the world
You created for human beings.
You are unmatched in your power and in your goodness.
O Lord, you direct like a conductor the orchestration of a storm,
and you shape like a sculptor the petals of a flower.
You are prodigious in your majesty and in your wisdom.
Lord, you have fashioned human beings to accept
the challenges of nature and to be your voice in creation.
O Lord and King, Majestic Creator,
You have made your mystery transparent,
in the world you have created.
I worship you in your creation and in your providence.
Here I Am Lord
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I have heard my people cry
All who dwell in dark and sin
My hand will save.
I who made the stars and night
I will make the darkness bright
Who will bear my light to them
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart.
I the Lord of snow and rain
I have borne my people's pain
I have wept for love of them
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone
Fill their hearts with love alone
I will speak my word to them
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart.
I will hold your people in my heart...
(a video of this lovely hymn can be seeing in the next post: click here to see)