Borrowing this idea from Allen Hunt's Blog, I have created my own Thanksgiving ABC List. Some are fun, some are serious, all are heartfelt. Well, maybe not the zoom.. that was pure silliness, but I couldn't come up with a better word for "Z"! Maybe next year, if I remember to continue this! Anway, here are my "Thanksgiving ABC's":
My Thanksgiving ABC’s
A - Audrey and Aaron, two special people who are awesome!
B - Butter Pecan Ice Cream… the BEST flavor ever!
C - Cousins – the Joneses and the Shooks, and all their extended families… I appreciate you more than you know
D - Dogs! So many have blessed my life Wimby, Punkin, Poohbear, Spencer and many more
E - Effie, my Mother in-law
F - Fletchers, our dear friends
G - Garret aka Gear-itttt! Love you honey
H - Haswell & Herman… my family heritage…
I - Internet… so awesome and a great way to stay connected
J - Julia & Jack, my parents… who I will love forever
K - Kindle… I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kindle
L - Logan aka Logie-Wan! Love you sweetie
M - Mary, Mother of God
N - Newfoundland Dogs, Cora, Sadie, Sailor, Kira, Neiko, Ben & Yelda, as well as all the Fosters who stayed with us
O - Oz, Wizard of… one of my favorite movies as a child
P - Pepsi, Diet… of which I love and drink too much of
Q - Quests…. Love them, whether on games or In real life…
R - Russell, my beloved husband
S – Sister, my sister Lilli… who is very dear to me
T - Trinity, God the Father, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
U - University of Dayton… where I work, where I began my faith journey, where I am blessed
V - Vatican, I hope to visit some day
W - Wisconsin, a special place, filled with loving and awesome memories
X - XAN, Memories and friends… many of whom I've reconnected with on Facebook
Y - Yahoo, my email… love it!
Z - Zoom! I love to zoom zoom zoom!
A - Audrey and Aaron, two special people who are awesome!
B - Butter Pecan Ice Cream… the BEST flavor ever!
C - Cousins – the Joneses and the Shooks, and all their extended families… I appreciate you more than you know
D - Dogs! So many have blessed my life Wimby, Punkin, Poohbear, Spencer and many more
E - Effie, my Mother in-law
F - Fletchers, our dear friends
G - Garret aka Gear-itttt! Love you honey
H - Haswell & Herman… my family heritage…
I - Internet… so awesome and a great way to stay connected
J - Julia & Jack, my parents… who I will love forever
K - Kindle… I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kindle
L - Logan aka Logie-Wan! Love you sweetie
M - Mary, Mother of God
N - Newfoundland Dogs, Cora, Sadie, Sailor, Kira, Neiko, Ben & Yelda, as well as all the Fosters who stayed with us
O - Oz, Wizard of… one of my favorite movies as a child
P - Pepsi, Diet… of which I love and drink too much of
Q - Quests…. Love them, whether on games or In real life…
R - Russell, my beloved husband
S – Sister, my sister Lilli… who is very dear to me
T - Trinity, God the Father, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
U - University of Dayton… where I work, where I began my faith journey, where I am blessed
V - Vatican, I hope to visit some day
W - Wisconsin, a special place, filled with loving and awesome memories
X - XAN, Memories and friends… many of whom I've reconnected with on Facebook
Y - Yahoo, my email… love it!
Z - Zoom! I love to zoom zoom zoom!
While looking at this list, I am once again reminded that even with life's bumps in the road, I am very blessed. I wish all my loved ones, my friends, neighbors and colleagues a very joyous Thanksgiving. For those of you are traveling, Godspeed. For those of you who are cooking, cook well, and remember to rest and take time to enjoy. For those of you celebrating with family, enjoy each other... family is precious, and so many will be alone on this day. And for those of you who will be alone... know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all.
1 comment:
Great list Annie! I'll have to try it. Yes, Z would be challenging. ;o) Will be thinking of you! Cheers!
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