8:46 a.m.: Tolling of the Immaculate Conception Chapel bells for one minute to coincide with American Airlines Flight 11 hitting 1 World Trade Center.
9:03 a.m.: Tolling of the Immaculate Conception Chapel bells for one minute to coincide with United Airlines Flight 175 hitting 2 World Trade Center.
9:37 a.m.: Tolling of the Immaculate Conception Chapel bells for one minute to coincide with American Airlines Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon.
10:03 a.m.: Tolling of the Immaculate Conception Chapel bells for one minute to coincide with United Airlines Flight 93 crashing in Pennsylvania.
As I was walking across campus, I heard the 8:46 bell... and chills ran down my spine. I was taken back to that horrible day 7 years ago.. memories flooding my mind, and chills shooting down my spine. I feel raw... I feel sad... I think of the the amazing bravery exhibited on all the flights. I remember hearing tapes of the calls made on cell phones. I remember looking at video clips of the family members.. and not even being able to comprehend how they felt.. how they could even continue on.
The 9:37 bell tolled a few minutes ago. Again, I had more chills, and more tears. I remember that day, sitting at my desk. By now we all knew that something so horrible, so heinous was happening to our great country. I remember finding a tv, and watching it with my co-workers, feeling sick.. terrified.. so unsure of everything. I remember calling my husband, just to tell him I loved him. My Mother called... my sister too. We all just needed to connect... to touch each other with our voices.
The 10:03 bell just tolled. People are talking quietly... commenting. I remember how we were all sent home that day. Like most people, Russell & I watched the news all day.. horror and disbelief filling our hearts and minds. Finally it got to be too much, and we went to lay down. With the exception of military flights, all air travel had been cancelled. We were dozing in and out, when suddenly there was a sonic boom. I shot out of bed... terrified. Never, ever have I felt more vulnerable that I did at that moment. The sonic boom was caused by air force flights escorting Air Force One back to Washington.

After all this time... and I realize that as time continues, 7 years really isn't that long... I do know one thing. This country, our country, the United States of America is safer today than it was then. And that is because of the amazing leadership of our President, George W. Bush. He is ridiculed, and slurred on a daily basis. He is hated and reviled, and for what reason? I can't figure it out. Yes, our country has problems, it always will. Yet I feel strongly we were and are far better off under the leadership of George W. Bush. He is a good man, a caring man. I am certain, that as time continues to "go by", his Presidency will be held in higher regard than it is now. I can't imagine what it would have been like if Al Gore had been at the helm. I shudder to think....
God Bless The USA

We all can remember where we were that tragic day.
"I believe the most solemn duty of the American president is to protect the American people. If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This will not happen on my watch." W
Thank you President Bush.
It occurs to me, that I neglected something in my post about the 7th "anniversary" of September 11th. I neglected God. I spoke of the families and loved ones... and wondered how they could go on after such a devastating loss.
I do believe that it was God who gave them the strength to endure the tragedy and the loss.. and gave them the gumption to continue on. They were able to do so, thanks be to God!
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