After he left, I went back in to let the dogs finish their dinners, and get a good drink of water. I then left to run a few errands. I went to Petsmart to pick up more dog food, and then to Wendy's to get a quick dinner. Of course, any intentions of it being "quick" went right out the window as I really got into the book I was reading. I enjoy reading in restaurants... it's a place where there are few distractions... and I can really read! Almost 2 hours went by, and any thoughts of "going Krogering" disappeared! I hurried home and took the dogs back out, and we then settled in for a quiet night.
Of course, Yelda being Yelda, any solitude was hard to come by. She seemed determined to keep me from relaxing, and I knew that she was bored. I did my best to entertain her, and she finally settled down for a bit and chewed on her favorite bone. Cora, Kira & Ben were all very good. I was on the phone with my friend Susan, talking about her Grandmother, who was quite ill. It seemed though that medications had started working and she was finally stable. Then I heard this loud noise coming from the living room. I told Susan that I needed to go and check, and sure enough, it was Yelda. She had somehow gotten her collar stuck on her crate, and managed to pull it out into the living room. Now this would have freaked out most dogs... but not Yelda. Unless it's a thunderstorm, she's basically fearless!
I managed to free her and put her crate back. At this point, I was weary, and decided it was late and time for bed. We all snuggled in for the night. I never sleep well the first night Russell is away. It didnt' help that the phone rang around 3AM! Of course, it was a wrong number. Our phone number is very similar to the phone number of a local escort service. So it's not uncommon for us to get calls in the middle of the night from people in need of an escort!
Saturday dawned and it was a beautiful day. I spent a lazy morning at home with the dogs. It was so nice not to have to rush off somewhere. I left around noon, and went to Meijers to pick up some things and then over to my Mom's for a visit. As with many Mother-Daughter relationships, my relationship with my Mother has it's ups and downs. There is a weird dynamic between my Mother and myself, and Saturday's visit left alot to be desired.
My Mother is becoming a recluse. She's decided to become bed-fast and refuses to go out. It's so frustrating, and really a waste. My Mother's health isn't the best, but it's not bad enough to keep her in bed. This is her choice, and Lilli & I are at our wit's end as to what to do about it. My sister Lilli & I are a unified front and that's a good thing, not to mention that it's also a huge comfort. So my Mother and I had an odd interlude. It wasn't really an argument... more of a philosophical disagreement. And, I decided it was time to call it a day. I headed back home for a couple of hours, and took Cora outside to take some new pictures of her. I also photographed a dandelion, which I've included in this post. I picked up some chinese food and headed over to the Fletcher's to watch a movie. Scott and Aaron were at the same Camp-o-ree as Russell. After the movie (Zathura) was over, I headed home, and watched another movie (Sabrina) and then read late into the night.
I went to Mass at Mary Help on Sunday. Russell was waiting for me when I came out and it was so wonderful to see his smiling face. We had lunch and drove over to his Mom's to visit. He then had to run to the office for an hour, so I went to the store, picked up stuff for dinner. I fixed chicken, corn casserole and green beans with almonds. Russell got home just in time to eat, and we had a quiet evening.
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