So when you are having a crabby day, and feel at odds with the entire world, doesn’t it drive you batty when someone cheerfully chirps something like “you should count your blessings” or “every cloud has a silver lining”? There are times when I don’t want to be cheered up… when I just want to wallow in self-pity. Admittedly, as I write this, I am in a good mood. So I’m looking at things from a “glass half full” view rather than a “glass half empty”. This year has not been without its challenges. Yet even during the worst moments, it wasn't hard to recognize that despite all the anxiety and troubles, there were many blessings as well. In realizing that, I have become much more aware of every day blessings… and am getting much better in counting them and being grateful for them!
Some of my recent blessings:
Our upcoming office move- something that nobody is happy about or looking forward to and have been somewhat resentful of! The reality is, however, that we’re not moving out of our building… we’re merely moving across the hall! Other colleagues have recently moved to another building on campus, and after visiting them, it was very apparent that we were very lucky to be able to stay in the building we’re currently in!
With Christmas just around the corner, my church has adopted several families. In order to make sure that the children in these families received things that they needed and would be happy with, volunteers call each family and usually speak to the Mom. Hearing the tearful relief, joy and gratitude from each Mom was incredible. Several told me that if it wasn’t for the members our church, their children wouldn’t have a Christmas. They went on to say how blessed they were to have been adopted by our church. Yet I felt that we were the ones who were blessed… because this entire experience made it very apparent that we are blessed to have the resources and ability to reach out and help others.
Then there are the tidbits of time spent with my Mother… whose dementia is taking her from us. Yet periodically she can be quite clear, proving that she still is with us! I loving making her laugh, and sharing with her about my day. She can still comfort… and sometimes she is clear enough to remember that we were upset or worried about something… and in her maternal way still offers us loving support and concern. This means more now than ever. I could spend time wishing that I had appreciated her more “back in the day”. Instead, these moments are gifts… and they pack quite a meaningful punch!
The holidays bring with them frantic, frenzied schedules which we are apt to complain about. We have to be here, we have to be there; there is so much to get done and it seems never ending and at times impossible. It can be overwhelming. Yet hearing about others who have no one to spend Christmas with… or others whose families are spread around the globe, making it impossible to be together, make it very obvious that the fact that we can be with our families is a huge blessing that should not be taken for granted.
Our washing machine has been broken for some time. Eventually we’ll get around to repairing it… but I've learned that even though it’s a nuisance, going to the Laundromat and getting 4 loads of laundry done in less than two hours is pretty awesome!
This doesn't even cover the myriad of blessings that cross our paths every day, like snowflakes falling from the sky… too many to count, too many to recognize. Blessings like:
The wave of a friend from across the street * The snoring of three peacefully sleeping Newfs * The laughter of a baby in a restaurant * A message from a long lost friend on Facebook *A smile from a stranger * A student holding the door open when you have your hands full * Find gas for a ridiculously low price * Heat * Electricity * A good boss * A job * Driving around a night looking at Christmas lights * Chickadees greeting me each morning * The hoot of an owl at night * Starry Skies *
Again, there are so many that it’s impossible to list them all. No matter how big or how little a blessing may seem, the impact is the same. To know that we are blessed means so much. The important thing is awareness. Look for them. It’s not really that hard. And when you come across one, cherish it and then be sure to give thanks!
In closing, here is a prayer of thanksgiving that I found online (click here) :
For all You have given,
Thank You God.
For all You have withheld,
Thank You God.
For all You have withdrawn,
Thank You God.
For all You have permitted,
Thank You God.
For all You have prevented,
Thank You God.
For all You have forgiven me,
Thank You God.
For all You have prepared for me,
Thank You God.
For the death You have chosen for me,
Thank you God.
For the place you are keeping for me in heaven,
Thank You God.
For having created me to love You for eternity,
Thank You God.
1 comment:
This is a really beautiful post on a really beautiful blog. I think maybe I was meant to see this today. Thank you. Kay
I blog at "He Gently Calls Us"
(which at the moment is a real mess)
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