Hi everyone, it’s been awhile! I guess you could say that I’ve been in hibernation over the last couple of months! Things are well. We’ve been enjoying a beautiful spring here in this part of the country. Blossoms and their sweet fragrances are abundant. Because we had such a mild winter, everything bloomed early and seemingly, all at once! This gave us dazzling displays of color!
Not to be out done, the night skies have been amazing. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been treated to awesome views of the planets Venus and Jupiter. Russell got out our spotting scoping and we were even able to see the 4 Galilean moons of Jupiter!
This abundant spring, all the glory of God’s earth is a good reminder of what this Easter season is all about. New life is blooming and seems to herald something greater than the just the cacophony of birdsong and blossoms- most certainly the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
We are in the midst of Holy Week and will soon be celebrating the Easter Triduum (the summit of the liturgical year, to celebrate the central mystery of faith: the passion, death and resurrection of Christ).
Unconditional love...
This new life, this new beginning, enables us to start over, to act differently. We are loved passionately by Jesus. By suffering and dying on the cross, He took away our sins. Knowing this, makes me want to act better… to grow and be a better person. This is definitely easier said than done, because we are human, and we make mistakes. The good news is… is that we are loved by God the Father, who is a gracious and merciful God!
Confession is good for the soul….
Just yesterday, I saw a funny picture on Facebook with the saying: “Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behavior does!” Immediately, I grinned and thought of several of people that I would like to show this to- people whose behavior grates on my nerves… people who I think need to realize the error of their ways. I was on my high horse, and it wasn’t until several hours later, that I realized what a pompous arse I was for even thinking that. I was guilty of bad behavior and was not being a good person. Instead of focusing on others, it’s evident that I need to focus on my own behavior. I felt so ashamed, and rightly so.
This is such a good reminder that even those with the best of intentions can go astray in a heartbeat. Focus and diligence is necessary, as is the knowledge that when we mess up, it’s not the end of the world. There is always the possibility of a new beginning… a new day… rebirth. All because Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, so that our sins would be forgiven. In closing, I’d like to share this Lenten prayer that I found. And even though Lent is almost over, it’s good food for thought for the entire year:
A Lenten Prayer
Fast from judging others; feast on Christ in them.
Fast from wanting more; feast on being thankful.
Fast from anger; feast on patience.
Fast from worry; feast on trust.
Fast from complaining; feast on enjoyment.
Fast from negatives; feast on positives.
Fast from stress; feast on prayer.
Fast from anger; feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others.
Fast from fear; feast on truth.
Fast from discouragement; feast on hope.
Fast from gossip; feast on silence.
Fast from fighting; feast on peace.
Gentle God, during this season of fasting and feasting, gift us with your presence
so we can be a gift to others in carrying out your work. Amen.
--Adapted from A Lenten Prayer by William Arthur Ward
It is my wish for each of you that you have a blessed and joyous Easter. May God bless one and all. Amen
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