Our Holy week was busy, and many things happened that I didn't expect. I had been asked to carry in the Sacred Chrism for the "Mass of the Lord's Supper" which was on Thursday. The Sacred Chrism is a mixture of olive oil and balsam. It has been blessed by the Archbishop and is used in the sacrament of confirmation.
I was so honored to be asked, and I managed to do so without mishap. And I wasn't even nervous! I was so thrilled that it never occurred to me to be so. I think the most wonderful thing about the experience is that I was confirmed just one year ago... and I well remember the wonder smell of the oil, and the wonderful feeling of being received into membership by the Catholic church. Powerful stuff to be sure!
On Good Friday, Russell & I attended the "Celebration of the Lord's Passion" at the Alumni Hall Chapel on UD's campus. I found the "adoration of the cross" to be powerful and incredibly moving.
And of course, Easter Vigil at UD was spectacular and beautiful. It was cold outside, even for April, but the fire was wonderful, and the processon by candlelight in to the darkened chapel was amazing. I felt such joy as I watched those who were being baptized and confirmed. It was interesting to watch as an observer this time and I recall commenting to Russell that there were some things that I didn't remember from last year. What a beautiful Mass. And when all the lights came on and we sang out, rejoicing in Christ's rising.... it was... AWESOME!
Easter Sunday was spent with our families.. and it was my birthday as well. Having my birthday on Easter was a special thing. And even more touching was how our families went out of their way to include my birthday in the day's celebrations. It was truly a glorious day.
And Lent is over... and chocolate is back in my life.. no more fish on Fridays. But you know what? I didn't really mind. It was quite easy to give all that up, considering all that Jesus gave up for us. Despite the sacfricies, Lent was a wonderful journey. I attended a wonderful Taize style Lenten Reconciliatoin Service hosted by Campus Ministry. Then there was the fabulous retreat sponsored by St. Helen's and Immaculate Conception here in Dayton.
And now, it is time for joyful celebration, for He is risen! Rejoice!
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