Over the years, as we would pass through Minster, Ohio on our way to our place on Grand Lake St. Mary's, I'd notice the twin spires of town's Catholic Church. This church is part of a grouping of churches known as "The Land of the Cross-Tipped Churches". And while I had always been aware of so many churhes in this area, St. Augustine has always stood out... and has been on my list of 'churches to see'! So finally, on Saturday, as we drove home from Maria Stein, we decided to stop and attend the 5 O'Clock Mass. And I'm so glad we did. Here are the few pictures I was able to take:
I am a huge fan of artwork in churches. Some would say that it's not "good" art.. which I understand in theory. Yet, there's something about traditional art that illustrates our Catholic faith so very well. Not surprisingly, I much prefer "traditional churches" to the modern churches that have been built in recent years. The Mass was awesome, and the parish seems to be thriving and alive with families. I have to confess to feeling a bit "envious" when we left. More more information, click here: St. Augustine Catholic Church
Annie's Whirlwind
My blog is my place to unwind, and sort things out!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Churches I have visted: The Shrine of the Holy Relics in Maria Stein, Ohio
Russell and I joined a pilgrimage to The Shrine of the Holy Relics in Maria Stein, Ohio with members of the Fairborn Knights of Columbus and the Daughters of Isabella, Marian Circle 911, also from Fairborn. Our intention was to pray for Religious Freedom as mentioned in my previous blog. The Shrine is just over an hours drive. While I've always heard about the Shrine, this was my first visit. Here are a few pictures I took:
There is so much to see, and it's well worth the trip. I definitely plan on going back. What a wonderful place to come and pray.
There is so much to see, and it's well worth the trip. I definitely plan on going back. What a wonderful place to come and pray.
2013 Fortnight For Freedom
2013 Fortnight for Freedom: June 21 to July 4
The U.S. bishops have called for a Fortnight for Freedom, a two-week period of prayer and action, to address many current challenges to religious liberty, including the August 1, 2013 deadline for religious organizations to comply with the HHS mandate, Supreme Court rulings that could attempt to redefine marriage in June, and religious liberty concerns in areas such as immigration and humanitarian services.
Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty
O God our Creator,
from your provident hand we have received
our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
You have called us as your people and given us
the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God,
and your Son, Jesus Christ.
Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit,
you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world,
bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel
to every corner of society.
We ask you to bless us
in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty.
Give us the strength of mind and heart
to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened;
give us courage in making our voices heard
on behalf of the rights of your Church
and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith.
Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father,
a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters
gathered in your Church
in this decisive hour in the history of our nation,
so that, with every trial withstood
and every danger overcome—
for the sake of our children, our grandchildren,
and all who come after us—
this great land will always be "one nation, under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Churches I have visted: St. Joseph Catholic Church - Pittsfield, MA
As I recently shared in another blog, I traveled to Pittsfield, Massachusetts a couple of weeks ago to attend my 35th reunion at Miss Hall's School. I flew home Sunday afternoon, and being Pentecost Sunday, I wanted to attend Mass in Pittsfield. The church, St. Joseph Catholic Church - The Mother Church of the Berkshires, was a few blocks from my hotel, and so I walked! That was something new for me, and had it not been chilly and misty, I would have enjoyed the walk! Here are the three photos I took on my iPhone:
The Mass was lovely. Msgr. Shershanovich's homily was thought provoking and meaningful. I wish the day had been sunny and clear, but the church was very warm and welcoming on such a cold and dreary day. It seemed to me that Christ's light was definitely shining here.
The Mass was lovely. Msgr. Shershanovich's homily was thought provoking and meaningful. I wish the day had been sunny and clear, but the church was very warm and welcoming on such a cold and dreary day. It seemed to me that Christ's light was definitely shining here.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Russell receiving the 2013 Marianist Service Award
Last night, Russell received one of the 2013 Marianist Service Awards. "The Marianist Service Award was established in 1987 by Marianists working at the University of Dayton. Each year, this award honors two full-time staff whose behavior, over a significant number of years, is congruent with the University's Catholic and Marianist character. Nominations are made by the vowed Marianists who work on campus, members of the Rector's Council and previous award recipients"
The first video is Fr. Jim Fitz, Rector of the University of Dayton, presenting Russell with the award:
This second video is of Dr. Joeseph Saliba, Provost of the Unviersity of Dayton, making some commentsabout Russell receiving the award:
The first video is Fr. Jim Fitz, Rector of the University of Dayton, presenting Russell with the award:
This second video is of Dr. Joeseph Saliba, Provost of the Unviersity of Dayton, making some commentsabout Russell receiving the award:
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Another Stroll Down Memory Lane
Memory is a wonderful thing… when it works. My Mother always told me that I had an incredible memory, and I would agree for the most part. Yet it is always somewhat surprising when I hear another person’s perception of a shared memory that contradicts my own memory. For example, my sister and I were recently regaling my cousin about the time she dumped a milkshake on my head. I had done something equally obnoxious to warrant such retaliation from her. We both agreed on that. We both had that same memory. Yet we differed on “where” it happened. I am certain that it happened at Wendy’s. She is certain that it happened at Arby’s. We both think we’re right, yet clearly, one of us is wrong. Which is it? Personally, I don’t really care. It’s just slightly annoying to spend time wondering who’s right and whose wrong, when I know I’m right. I’m kidding… because in reality, I have no clue, and have digressed.
As I sat at the opening banquet last Friday night, filled with wonder at being back at the school that I love so much, a place where I found myself, a place that saved my life, I looked around the room, filled with fellow alumni… who all appeared to love the School as much as I did. And the stories that were told… some familiar, some “new to me” resulted in laughter and maybe a few tears. Of course there were the kind of variations that come with gossip and rumors. Laughing at our antics in days gone by, I was vaguely aware of feeling… some sort of surprise when I heard of something that had happened right under my nose. “That really happened?” I’d ask. And apparently it did. Of course, I realize that it’s impossible to know everything that happened. And it was fun to see other’s having similar reactions. Someone described it as gaps in our memories coming alive, almost like finding missing pixels from a digitized photo… one blurry, now a bit more clear.
The weekend flew by. It was a wonderful time- reconnecting with friends… connecting with new friends, who have in common a very special place called Miss Hall’s School. It's comforting to know, that we change, places change... many things stay the same. With appreciation for the many changes we discovered, there was still so much that had stayed the same. And for that, I was and am incredibly grateful.
Miss Hall's School Alma Mater
In lofty splendor, stand the Berkshires fair,
And there we know no sorrow, pain or care,
For there we always happy are -- and free.
Oh loyal Gold and Blue we sing to thee.
In after years when we are far apart,
Thy name will always ring in every heart.
No matter how far distant we may be,
Oh MHS we will remember thee.
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Missing my Mother...

Her death was a blessing, to be sure. And it is a comfort to know that she was no longer afraid... she smiled everytime we prayed with her during those last weeks. That in itself was worth everything, because she had been so fearful. We are so thankful to Pastor Steve Becker and to the Chaplains from Hospice. They helped her so very very much. And thankfully, she is finally free from the terrible pain that she suffered from for so very long.
The staff at Oak Creek Terrace, the nurses and aides, led by Carla Becker from Hospice of Greater Dayton were fabulous. Our family is so incredibly grateful to them for the care and support they gave to Mother, and to all of us.
Watching her slip away that last day was difficult. I couldn't bear to leave her side, yet I wanted to escape. We played music for her, especially her favorite: "Somewhere" by Barbra Streisand. She adored that song, and begged us to play it for her when she was on her deathbed. And we did. It was difficult, but it's what she wanted, and we were determined to do anything for her. We planned her her memorial service, and I think she would have been pleased. Pastor Steve presided, and we had traditional readings and music. And we included some other things that I know in my heart would have pleased her very much. We played "Somewhere" by Barbra Streisand at the end of the service and there were bowls of Milky Way bars for people to enjoy. Milky Way bars were Mother's favorite, and the main staple of her diet for the last couple of years. And now that's she's free, I'm sure she's in heaven, soaring freely along the milky way!
From Mother's Funeral:
Memorial Service for Julia Chace Fisher Garretson
Monday, November 19th, 2012, 2:00 p.m.
Woodland Cemetery Mausoleum Chapel
Dayton, Ohio
Pastor Stephan E. Becker - Officiating
Julia Garretson, age 81, died at Oak Creek Terrace in Kettering, Ohio, on Sunday, November 12, 2012.
Born April 30, 1931, in Dayton, Ohio, she attended Oakwood High School and graduated from The Masters School, Dobb's Ferry, New York in 1950. She also attended Mount Vernon College in Washington, DC. She was a loving and devoted mother and grandmother who will be greatly missed by all who knew her. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Jack S. Garretson and her sister, Elizabeth F. Bruce. Julia is survived by her daughters, Annie G. (Russell) Milliron and Lilli G. (Philip) Lingle; grandchildren, Garretson C. Lingle and Logan D. Lingle; cousin, Anthony Haswell and many nieces and nephews.
The family would like to thank the staff of Oak Creek Terrace for their loving and compassionate care of Julia. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Dayton, 324 Wilmington Ave., Dayton, OH 45420 or the Humane Society of Greater Dayton, 1661 Nicholas Rd., Dayton, OH 45417.
Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Prelude……………………………………...……“Be Not Afraid” ………………………………………………....“Here I Am Lord” ……………………………………………….“On Eagle’s Wings”
……………………………………………….“The Lord’s Prayer”
……………………………….Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, Russell Milliron
………………………………………..Romans 5:5-11, Mary Clark
……………………………..Romans 8:31-39, Garretson C. Lingle
……………………………John 14:1-6, Pastor Stephan E. Becker
Eulogy…………………………………Pastor Stephan E. Becker
Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Recessional……………………“Somewhere” By Barbra Streisand and “I will see you in my dreams” by Joe Brown
I love you Mother. You are in my heart today, and always. Happy Mother's Day
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
“Missing” Seasons....
As we were driving in to work this morning, I saw a tweet this morning that said “re-tweet if you are going to miss summer”. When I saw this, a couple of things occurred to me.
First of all, I can’t imagine missing the horrific heat, the drought, the fluctuating gas prices, the campaign slurs that have been going on for what seems like an eternity. There were definitely good things about this summer… time off, travel, festivals, time spent with family and friends, etc.
Second, it is so easy for us to lament things that are gone, and worry about the unknown future. It’s so much healthier to just focus on this day- because it’s all that we have… really. Just this very minute is all that we have. So why waste it on lamenting about days gone by, or what the future holds.
I realize that this is easier said than done! We can look back, and smile at the happy memories, take lessons from our struggles and failures, and try and move on. And that’s all well and good, but what got me about that tweet was a sort of rigid stubbornness, a determination to miss summer and miss out on the season that is now surrounding us. Autumn! Autumn is a glorious time. Yes, I realize the days are shorter, and the nights are Cold. Frost will soon cover our yards, our plants. We’ll have to make extra time to scrape our windows each morning. Yet instead of focusing on the negatives of the changing season, why not embrace the day? Why don’t we try to find the good in things rather than the bad? It’s so easy to be negative. Lord knows, I am guilty of this. And I guess that’s why that tweet caught my attention this morning! Summer is gone… it had its highs and lows, but it’s gone. It’s time to move on… to make the most of each day. And most of all, to count our blessings!
As for us…
As with everyone, life has been full of challenges and blessings… and by the grace of God, we’re doing well.
In closing, I’d like to share a lovely prayer I found on another blog. The link to that blog is below.
O God of Creation, you have blessed us with the changing of the seasons.
As we embrace these autumn months,
May the earlier setting of the sun
remind us to take time to rest.
May the crunch of the leaves beneath our feet
remind us of the brevity of this earthly life.
May the steam of our breath in the cool air
remind us that it is you who give us your breath of life.
May the scurrying of the squirrels and the migration of the birds
remind us that you call us to follow your will.
We praise you for your goodness forever and ever. Amen
Friday, August 10, 2012
Churches I have visited: St. Barbara Catholic Chuch - Dearborn, Michigan
I traveled to Dearborn, Michigan in August of 2012 to attend the Daughters of Isabella International Convention. Both the opening Mass and the closing Mass were held at St. Barbara's Catholic Church which is incredibly beautiful. Here are some pictures I took with my iPhone.
A Parish of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit MI, St. Barbara's parish was founded in 1924. The churent church was built in 1955, and has Masses in english and in polish. I particularly loved the state of the Baptism of Jesus, which also serves as the Baptismal Font. As you walk around to the back, you will find Jesus in his tomb. My photos do not do it justice. I could have spent hours here. Sadly, as we were leaving after the closing Mass, we were told that this church was possibly going to be closed. I pray that's not the case.
A Parish of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit MI, St. Barbara's parish was founded in 1924. The churent church was built in 1955, and has Masses in english and in polish. I particularly loved the state of the Baptism of Jesus, which also serves as the Baptismal Font. As you walk around to the back, you will find Jesus in his tomb. My photos do not do it justice. I could have spent hours here. Sadly, as we were leaving after the closing Mass, we were told that this church was possibly going to be closed. I pray that's not the case.
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