I picked up the first book, titled “The Little Black Book – Six-minute meditations on the Sunday Gospels of Lent (Cycle A)” which is based on the writings of Bishop Ken Untener and published by The Diocese of Saginaw. There website is http://littlbooks.org . The date of yesterday’s reading was March 22, 2011 and is based on “And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with him. (Mt. 17:3)” Bishop Untener wrote:
“On that mountain, the disciples got a glimpse of how human beings look with God’s spirit running through them.
That’s what Peter, James and John saw: A human being when seen with the eyes that see the whole person.
The astounding thing is that if people could see me with the same eyes, they could see a similar sight.
I am a daughter, a son of God. I have the Holy Spirit running through me. I am the beloved of God. I was immersed (figuratively, at least) in the waters of baptism which symbolize being immersed in God. I received confirmation, with holy oil soaking into me as a sign of the Spirit running, coursing through my whole being.
I am shaped by the Word of God, which Jesus calls the “Bread of Life” and which forms me, nurtures me.
When I receive Holy Communion, the Lord Jesus and with him the whole Trinity enter within me.
Lent is a time when my fasting, prayers and good works help me to sink deep within the Spirit so that I can see myself, others, and God as they truly are.
What an awesome sight.”
At this point, readers are asked to spend some quiet time with the Lord.
As I sat there, thinking about this moving passage, I was consumed with the feeling of great peace. I’ve always known I was loved… but at this moment, the power of these words… that I was a BELOVED DAUGHTER OF GOD filled my consciousness! What a glorious feeling. What a wonderful lullaby to fill my heart as I climbed in to bed and fell into a restful sleep.
And with that in mind, I am reminded of the Bedtime prayer I said every night, many years ago:
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
if I shall die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take
if I shall live another day
I pray the Lord to guide my way.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
if I shall die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take
if I shall live another day
I pray the Lord to guide my way.
And of course, I am reminded of Brahms Lullaby, which my my Mother would sing and hum as she put us to bed:
Lullaby, and good night, with pink roses bedight,
With lilies o'er spread, is my baby's sweet head.
Lay thee down now, and rest, may thy slumber be blessed!
Lay thee down now, and rest, may thy slumber be blessed!
Lullaby, and good night, your mother's delight,
Shining angels beside my darling abide.
Soft and warm is your bed, close your eyes and rest your head.
Soft and warm is your bed, close your eyes and rest your head.
Sleepyhead, close your eyes. mother's right here beside you.
I'll protect you from harm, you will wake in my arms.
Guardian angels are near, so sleep on, with no fear.
Guardian angels are near, so sleep on, with no fear.
With lilies o'er spread, is my baby's sweet head.
Lay thee down now, and rest, may thy slumber be blessed!
Lay thee down now, and rest, may thy slumber be blessed!
Lullaby, and good night, your mother's delight,
Shining angels beside my darling abide.
Soft and warm is your bed, close your eyes and rest your head.
Soft and warm is your bed, close your eyes and rest your head.
Sleepyhead, close your eyes. mother's right here beside you.
I'll protect you from harm, you will wake in my arms.
Guardian angels are near, so sleep on, with no fear.
Guardian angels are near, so sleep on, with no fear.