Spring is here, thank goodness. I can't believe how long it's been since my last post. There's no reason for my not posting... really. Time just got away, and in all honesty, I didn't think about it. Shame on me!!!!! 40 lashes with a wet noodle!!!
Ok... so... what have I been up to since February 14th? Not much really... just trying to stay warm and dry. I have to admit to feeling a bit surly from time to time. I'm chalking that up to wintertime blues. Now that there is a hint of green in the trees... crocuses and daffodills are blooming, as are our forsythia bushes, I'm feeling a bit more relaxed.
Of course, this could also be because I just got back form vacation. I was near Cumberland, Maryland attending the 2006 NCA National Specialty. It was held at Rocky Gap Lodge, and the area was BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely gorgeous. The National Specialty was alot of fun. I saw tons of old friends and met several new friends. Unfortunately, Russell didn't go, and I missed him and our newfs fiercely. It was wonderful to come home to them.
While I was gone, Russell planted flowers for me in the window box underneath our kitchen window. We're hoping to attract hummingbirds and butterflies. The dogs are well... they all have spring fever as well. Kira & Yelda particularly enjoy watching the birds, and occasionally trying to chase them. Of course, with me at the other end of the lead, this isn't easily accomplished, yet it make things a wee treacherous.
Ben's not so much into the birds, he just is on patrol all the time. The only time I saw him affected by the birds was when he was trying to potty, and two bright red male cardinals zoomed around over his head in some sort of top gun routine. Obviously, it's mating season, and they were in a battle for territory. Ben's reaction was hysterical. He lost all concentration on his "task" and I ended up taking him back inside, with our mission "un-accomplished"!
Cora's well. She seems to be feeling spronky these days, and is outright playful. One day a couple of weeks ago, she playbowed to Yelda. Well, Yelda is always ready to "rock 'n roll" at a moments notice, but seemed to be surprised that it was Cora who wanted to play. Yelda playbowed back, and Cora returned the gesture. And the game was on. Until Cora suddenly realized that Yelda played much too rough. Cora ran to her her crate and let her self in (reminding me of Otis on the "Andy Griffith Show"). Kira was barking frantically, worried about her beloved Cora... and poor Yelda... disappointed that she couldn't have a raucous play session with Cora.
Just yesterday, Russell's Mom & Uncle Pete returned home from wintering in Florida. They had a good trip, and it's great to see them. My Mother is doing so-so. We've had a significant staffing change, and I think things will start to improve. If only Mother could have a more positive outlook. I believe that she's her own worst enemy. All others are doing well. Plans for Easter are underway.....

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