What a yucky day. Russell left to go camping last night with his troop. They were going up to St Mary's to go fishing. Since he's not yet replaced his camping gear*, they elected to stay in our family's trailers. I was relieved because the weather was really rough.
After Russell left, we had a quiet, uneventful evening. I went to bed early because I had to go into work very early this morning. We were administering a practice run of the LSAT. Of course, my day got off to a rocky start... and I was running late. Dr. K was nice about it... I wasn't that late, but he had the room all set up by the time I finally got there.
I left campus around 1:30... and headed to my Mom's for a visit. I was feeling tired and cranky, and that didn't bode well for a good visit.... my Mom was also tired and cranky, but then what else is new. I'm trying very hard to be patient, and not get bent out about her. But for goodness sake, she is her own worst enemy... and her attitude really leaves alot to be desired.
I decided rather than going our for dinner, that I would cook myself a nice dinner. Which I did, after a trip to the store. I chatted on the phone with my friend Susan until it was time to eat. My dinner was pretty good... (pork picatta & angel hair pasta).
Russell got home shortly after that, and was full of news about the lake; and not "GOOD" news. The owner of the landing where are trailers are located is in the midst of "improvements". He's installing a seawall around the point which is good because it had been eroding away. What makes me angry is that he's taken down some good shade trees, and replaced grass with gravel. YUCK. I'm distress about this... and am really thinking it's time to sell. Of course, that decision needs to be made with a clear head, when I'm not tired and cranky!!!! BAH!